
Uma Carta para Elton John

O Thomas Waleczka, do TheEltonNewsBlog, está com um projeto interessante: um livro que será escrito por fãs de todo mundo que, quando completado, será enviado para o Elton John. Então, em parceria com o brasileiro EltonMania, o livro veio parar no Brasil.

Me inscrevi para participar e fui sorteado com mais alguns vinte e poucos fãs e tive direito a um espaço no livro. Então, se tudo der certo, em alguns meses Elton John lerá a seguinte carta:

Dear Elton John,

It's a great pleasure to have a chance to be in touch you, Sir. I wonder if you'll remember it, but on your show on Rio de Janeiro on 2009 I was front row, in the center of the stage, holding a Brazilian flag.

I've been a fan of your work since 1997. Even though I had already heard some of your songs before that time, like Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me and Sacrifice, it was the songs from The Lion King that put me in touch with your music. Since then, I've always been discovering and collecting every piece of music you've produced.

I know that the social and physical distances do not allow this to come true, but I'd love to be a friend of yours. Not because you're an idol, but because you, like me, love music. We share the strong desire to always discover new music and new artists. I'm sure there's a lot of Brazilian music that you have never heard about that you'd love to give a listen.

Some friends tell me I'm too crazy for your music, but that's something I didn't choose. I didn't choose to enjoy your songs. It feels like your music has chosen me. It just happens that almost everything that you've ever written and composed sounds so great to me that I just can't stop hearing it. I also really love when you play obscure catalogue songs on your shows.

My favourite albums, in running order, are The Lion King Soundtrack, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Songs From the West Coast, The Big Picture, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy and Made in England.

I should also say that I deeply admire you for all you do to those who need help, being the EJAF the greatest example of it. Please keep up this amazing work.

Thank you for playing Skyline Pigeon here in Brazil and thank you for everything you've done. Your music plays an important role in my life.

Come back soon!

Cheers from Brazil,

Mário Marinato

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